Palawan Peacock Pheasant
Taken in St. Paul's Subterranean River National Park, Puerto Princesa, Palawan. This beautiful ground-dwelling bird can only be found in this island. Very secretive and wil hide quickly at the first sign of danger, it is becoming more uncommon due to hunting for pet trade and local consumption. Photo Nicky Icarangal / Birding Adventure Philippines
Ashy-headed Babbler
Taken in Sabang, Palawan.The Ashy-headed Babbler is a fairly common yet hard to see Palawan endemic skulker. This short-tailed, long-billed babbler can be often be seen hopping on the ground in lowland up to middle elevation forest and second growth. Photo Nicky Icarangal / Birding Adventure Philippines
Philippine Cockatoo
Taken in Rasa Island, Narra, Palawan. Hunted heavily for the pet trade and once widespread throughout the whole Philippines, the Philippine Cockatoo is a very rare endemic parrot that can now be seen in small islands in Palawan. Photo Nicky Icarangal / Birding Adventure Philippines
Palawan Scops Owl
Taken in Sabang, Palawan. This endemic owl can be found in original forest and secondary growth. Photo Nicky Icarangal, Birding Adventure Philippines