David L. Clugston, an avid world birder and one of our tour participants last year, writes about their experience here in the Philippines. David has written a short summary and a detailed itinerary (including wake-up times!) of their 22-day stay here, visiting the islands of Luzon, Palawan, Negros, Bohol and Mindanao.
15th November - 7th December 2011Participants: David L. Clugston, Pauline Blair, Valerie Wilson
Tour Leader: Nicky Icarangal of Birding Adventure Philippines
Trip report written by David L. ClugstonValerie, Pauline and David by the entrance of the Puerto Princesa Underground River, Palawan
The tour was arranged through Birding Adventure Philippines www.birdingphilippines.com based in Manila, Luzon and we found them to be excellent organisers with two first class bird tour leaders.
Our group consisted of myself, my wife Pauline and close friend Valerie Wilson.
We were led by two of the leading birders in the Philippines. Nicky Icarangal was with us throughout the entire trip and was excellent with a really nice manner, good sense of humour and most importantly with high identification skills, both by sight and sound. Adrian Constantino as joint leader, was with us for most of the time, but he did not come with us to Palawan, Negros or Bohol but returned to Manila and then flew on in advance of our arrival to Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao to ensure that the tents and kitchen were all set up by the local villagers. Nobody had stayed at the site since the previous spring which was normal given the seasonal weather conditions.
We had several different drivers and local guides depending on what island we were visiting. On Luzon, Nitoy was our very happy driver who transported us in a very comfortable 16+ seater mini-bus with bags of room sufficient to give us a double seat each, full air conditioning and excellent all round vision. On Palawan, Negros and Bohol the vehicles and drivers were more than adequate but on Mindanao travelling within PICOP and Mt.Kitanglad was by Jeepney or 4 wheel drive truck and quite another matter!
Philippine Trogon, one of the several highlights in the trip.ITINERARY
Outbound flights:-
Tue 15th Nov Depart Glasgow 13.25 hrs Emirates ( Boeing 777-300 ) to Dubai arriving 12.43 (Lt)
Wed 16th Nov Depart Dubai 04.20 Emirates ( upgraded to Business Class) arriving Manila 16.19 (Lt)
Itinerary in Philippines
Wed 16th ( day 1 ) Arrived Manila International Airport late afternoon.
Met Nicky Icarangal and Adrian Constantino outside arrival hall. Taken by mini-bus to Mt.Makiling, Los Banos Laguna, a two hour drive. Arriving after dark. Hotel within the University of Manila campus.
Thur 17th ( day 2 ) Mt.Makiling. Alarm at 04.00 and away by 04.30. Birded lower slopes up to 605 metres. Lunch and break from 12.00 until 15.00 hrs. Brief visit to Botanical Gardens and then to University farmed land until dusk at 17.30.
Fri 18th ( day 3 ) Alarm at 03.30 and away by 04.00. Travelled by mini-bus northwards back towards Manila and to La Mesa Eco. Park ( 06.30- 08.00 ). Long drive with a few stops up to Banaue, North Luzon arriving after dark 18.30. Delayed an hour or more en-route due to major repairs to roads and a bridge after a major storm some months earlier. Dinner and overnight in Banaue Hotel.
Sat 19th ( day 4 ) Alarm 03.00 and away by 03.30. Travelled by Land Rover to Mt. Polis arriving 04.45 in the dark at 1785 metres. Birded from the road all day returning back to Banaue 15.00 and then local sites until dark.
Dinner and overnight in Banaue Hotel.
Luzon birding: From top-left clockwise. Ashy Ground Thrush in La Mesa Ecopark. Photo by Nicky Icarangal; Our group with the Banaue Rice Terraces at the background. Photo by Tour participant David Clugston; A collapsed bridge on the way to Banaue. Photo by David Clugston; The Banaue Rice Terraces. Photo by Adri Constantino; Luzon Water-Redstart Photo by Nicky Icarangal
Sun 20th ( day 5 ) Alarm at 04.45 and breakfast in hotel. Away in mini-bus at 06.05 returning southwards via Dalton Pass to Subic Bay. Arrived 14.30 and birded lowland forest within former US Navy base until dusk.
Night and dinner in Mountain Forest Hotel, the old US. Navy Officers’ Club.
Mon 21st ( day 6 ) Alarm at 04.30 and away after breakfast 05.30. Birded local Subic forest all morning, stopping for lunch by the side of the bay. Hot and sunny. Returned to Manila from 14.45 until 17.15. Overnight in very posh Midas Hotel but it was in turmoil as World Champion Boxer Manny Pacquiao was coming to an event.
Tues 22nd ( day 7 ) Alarm at 04.45 and away after breakfast at 05.30 to domestic airport. Cebu Pacific Airlines flight ( A320 08.00- 09.00 ) to Puerto Princesa, capital city of the island of Palawan.
Drive to Sabang birding en-route, arriving Daluyon Beach Resort Hotel at 17.00. Delightful rooms overlooking the sea and palm frontage. Excellent dinner in open air hotel restaurant.
Birding scenes from Palawan. From top-left clockwise. Limestone cliffs at the Underground River; David enjoying a sumptuous fruit smoothie; Waiting for the Philippine Cockatoo; Valerie trying out a fresh coconut.
Wed 23rd ( day 8 ) Alarm at 04.50 and breakfast at the hotel until 06.00. Awaited news from the Coastguard to see if sea condition where going to ease, which they did. Boat trip ( 07.00 –07.25 ) to St.Paul’s National Park also known as Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. Birded beach area and nearby forest for key endemics including Palawan Peacock Pheasant. Returned to Sabang 10.25, birded lowland forest along the road returning for lunch in the heat of the day 12.00-15.00. Birding again inland and after dark for owls and frogmouths.
Overnight and dinner in Daluyon Beach Resort Hotel.
Thur 24th ( day 9 ) Alarm at 04.30 and breakfast in the hotel until 05.40 awaiting day-light Drive inland of Sabang to a small hillock overlooking the road and rather open forest from where we saw Philappine Cockatoo. After a successful early morning birding we returned to the hotel at 09.30 for a liitle relaxation and an early lunch. Finally left the hotel at 14.00 and returned to Puerto Princesa airport and onward flight back to Manila ( 17.40 – 19.40 ). Overnight again in the Midas Hotel where we enjoyed a fabulous buffet dinner.
Fri 25th ( day 10 ) Alarm at 05.30 and down for a very quick buffet breakfast before departing for the airport again. Travelled Business Class on a Philippine Airlines flight to Bacolod, Negros ( Airbus A320-200, 08.55- 09.50 ) in the central Philippines for Visayan endemics. Met at the airport and driven off in a 4x4 Isuzu to a private estate owned by our host Josef who ran the family sugar cane business. Lovely lunch by a swimming pool and local birding within the private grounds and a guided tour of Josef’s extensive orchid collection. After further birding we had dinner by the pool and retired to our huge bedrooms at 20.30.
Sat 26th ( day 11 ) Alarm at 04.50 and after breakfast left in a 4-wheel truck for the drive up to a
geothermal power plant on the slopes of Mt.Kanlaon. After security checks and transfer into a company vehicle we travelled up a steep winding dirt road to about 1025 metres. From there we walked down into the forest along a narrow, winding, steep and wet trail to 890 m.( 07.20- 11.15 ). Birded back down the road to the security barrier arriving at 13.45. Collected again by our driver for the 45 min. journey back to the estate. Afternoon birding around the estate grounds before dinner and retired to bed at 20.30.
Sun 27th ( day 12 ) Alarm at 04.20, packed and ready for a 05.00 breakfast. Drive to the airport past a cleared lowland forest landscape now covered in fields of sugar cane.
Boarded Cebu Pacific Airlines to Cebu City ( A319, 08.10- 08.30 ) and on landing transferred to a Super Cat ferry bound for Tagbilaran, Bohol ( 12.45 –14.40 ). Travelled by mini-bus to the interior of the island birding in the late afternoon/dusk at Rajah Sikatuna Protected Landscape ( 17.00 – 18.30 ). Finally arrived at our hotel in the heart of the Chocolate Hills at 19.00.
Snapshots from the Visayan leg. From top-left, clockwise. Negros: A Philippine Sailfin Lizard drying out in the sun; Bohol: Pauline resting in a buttress; Negros: a limatik or blood leach; Bohol: World-famous Chocolate Hills; Negros: David has been asked to take a family photo in an airport in Negros
Mon 28th ( day 13 ) Alarm at 04.30 and after breakfast away in the dark at 05.20. Short drive to
Rajah Sikatuna Protected Landscape and walked the forest trails until 11.10. Visited a Butterfly farm for lunch and then returned to the Chocolate Hills Hotel in the heat of the day. Late afternoon birded rice paddies and a slow flowing stream for the gorgeous Silvery Kingfisher. Back to the hotel at dusk, early dinner and to bed 20.00.
Tue 29th ( day 14 ) Alarm at 04.20, change of room, breakfast and away by 05.30. Birded another forest trail at Rajah Sikatuna all morning. Return to hotel for lunch as the heat of the day got too oppressive. Finally left the Chocolate Hills hotel at 12.10 and headed back to the airport visiting en-route the Tarsier sanctuary, where six sleeping/sleepy individuals were viewed. Left Tagbilaran, Bohol on Cebu Pacific Airlines A320 for Manila ( 16.25 – 17.25 ). Return again to Midas hotel and after another excellent dinner to bed in luxury at 21.00.
Wed 30th ( day 15 ) Alarm at 04.45, breakfast in the hotel and away to the airport again for our flight to Davao, south Mindanao ( A320 ( 08.06- 09.40 ) ). Quick transfer to a mini-bus then a long drive on some very bad roads to an abandoned airport site near Bislig for some marshland birding. Arrived at our hotel ( Paper Country Inn ) in Bislig at 16.25, followed by pre-dinner beers and very good meal.
Thur 1st ( day 16 ) Up at 03.30, breakfast at 04.00 and away in a local jeepney to the lowland forest birding trails within the Paper Industries Corporation of the Philippines (PICOP). Birded from 05.45 concentrating on seeing the Mindanao lowland endemics. Returned to the hotel at 16.30 after having to change a wheel on the jeepney probably deliberately spiked on a forest road by disgruntled illegal logging settlers. Excellent meal again in the hotel and to bed 20.00.
Fri 2nd ( day 17 ) Alarm at 03.30 and departed without breakfast at 04.00 for some pre-dawn owling and nighjars within PICOP. Birded road 42 after a packed breakfast until 13.00, when it was baking hot. Stopping in the shade of a loggers hut we enjoyed a welcome break for cold drinks and food. Returned to Bislig at 15.00 along rough forest roads. Excellent dinner in the hotel of delicious local fish and sizzling prawns and finally to bed 20.00.
Sat 3rd ( day 18 ) Up at 03.30 and departed in a comfortable four-wheel drive vehicle at 04.10 for the very long drive to Cagayan de Oro. Situated on the north coast of Mindanao this was an attractive road hugging the shore for many kilometres, occasionally stopping briefly for birds and a good lunch. Arrived at the small town of Malabalay ( 14.40) and after purchasing some wellington boots headed off in an open backed 4 x 4 truck, up an amazingly rough and rutted track on the lower slopes of Mt.Kitanglad. Reaching a point where the vehicle could not go any higher, our gear was transferred to pack horses and we walked on for thirty minutes up a steep and muddy track to our base, the rather grandly titled Del Monte Lodge (1330 metres). This consisted of a large open sided wooden building with an upstairs sleeping dormitory and on the ground floor a cooking area, long dining table and rather basic toilets and shower. However, we were directed to two tents set up close to the lodge complete with camp beds and sleeping bags. Birding for the last hour or so included Great-eared Nightjar, the recently discovered Bukidnon Woodcock and a roosting Philippine Frogmouth. Adequate meal cooked by local village mother and daughter, but supervised by our two guides and retired to our tents at 19.00. It proved to be quite a cold and starry night and we all found the lightweight sleeping bags did not keep us very warm.
Birding scenes from rainy Mindanao. From top-left, clockwise. PICOP: Resting on illegally-felled logs; Jeepney, our main mode of transport in lowland Mindanao; Mt. Kitanglad: Our tents and Del Monte Eagle Lodge; A very muddy track in Kitanglad after one of the heavy downpour; Scoping the Great Philippine Eagle; Birding in style with comfortable camp chairs at the Eagle View Point
Sun 4th ( day 19 ) Up at 04.45 and a hearty breakast at 05.00. Set off walking up the mountain track through cultivated land at 05.35, stopping at various places for the montane endemics. Our main target was the Great Philippine Eagle and we were very lucky that our local village guide spotted a distantly perched bird across the valley at 07.40. After scope views we continued up to our high point around 1550 metres where camp chairs and a rough shelter was provided for our comfort ! After a packed lunch and no further views of the Eagle we headed down at 12.15 in the rain, reaching our campsite at 14.00 when it turned out dry and quite warm. Local birding followed by dinner and to bed early at 19.30.
Mon 5th ( day 20 ) Up at 04.30 after a cool night with temperatures down to below 15 degrees C. Breakfast 05.00 and away up to the high eagle watch point at 05.30 which we reached at 07.30. Watched for seven hours without any sightings of the Philippine Eagle, but heard one calling several times. However, on walking further down we were treated to another distant view of one perched in a tree across the valley. Soon after we could see rain approaching from the valley below and very quickly we were engulfed in quite a storm The track became very hazardous, deep mud, strewn with stones and torrents of water. How we all made it back to camp without mishap was a minor miracle. Soaked to the skin on arrival at the lodge, but a warming cup of tea and a hot shower revived us until dinner. To bed in our tents at 20.00 hrs.
Tue 6th ( day 21 ) Alarm at 04.45 and after packing our gear and another excellent breakfast we walked down to our mid-point where we were collected by a 4x4 truck . After all the heavy rain we were a bit apprehensive about the drive down, as we had to cross a wide stream. In the event it was not too swollen by rain and we reached the town safely by about 08.00 hrs. Quick transfer into our friendly driver’s jeep and headed off to Cagayan de Oro, arriving around mid-day. Taken to a hotel where we had lunch and use of rooms to shower and pack our cases for the long journey home. Left the hotel at 15.00 hrs and taken to the airport to catch our Cebu Pacific Airlines flight ( A319 16.45-17.55) to Manila. Yet another meal was provided before we were taken to the International airport for our Emirates flight ( Boeing 777-300ER ( 00.10- 04.15 ) to Dubai.
Wed 7th ( day 22 ) Left Dubai again on Emirates flight to Glasgow ( 08.00 – 11.35 ) .
Postscript: On Friday night 8th December a devastating tropical storm code named Washi hit Cagayan de Oro and nearby Iligan. At least 1000 people were killed, most victims being asleep when flash floods cascaded down mountain slopes with logs and uprooted trees, swelling rivers and causing terrible devastation. Apparently this region of Mindanao island is unaccustomed to such major storms.David Clugston, Pauline Blair, Valerie Wilson: Philippines 2011SYSTEMATIC LIST OF BIRDS SEEN OR HEARD
Endemic species are highlighted in bold lettering.
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea
Singles en route Banaue on 18th, Subic Bay on 21st and en route Bislig, Mindanao on 30th.
Purple Heron Ardea pururea
Singles en route Banaue on 18th and airport marsh, Negros on 27th. Two disused PICOP airfield, Mindanao on 30th.
Great Egret Ardea alba
Small numbers seen on seven dates, on islands of Luzon, Palawan, Negros, Cebu, Bohol and Mindanao.
Pacific Egret Egretta sacra
Two dark phase birds flew along the shore at Sabang, Palawan on 23rd and a light phase bird at Tagbilaran, Bohol on 27th.
Intermediate Egret Egretta intermedia
Small numbers on rice paddies on six dates, Luzon and Negros.
Little Egret Egretta garzetta
Common on rice paddies on Luzon, Palawan and Mindanao.
Javan Pond Heron Ardeola speciosa
Single bird flushed from a rice paddy, lower slopes Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao on 3rd.
Striated Heron Butorides striata
One Josef’s pool, Negros on 25th.
Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis
Very common on all islands.
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax
Single birds on Luzon on 16th and 18th.
Cinnamon Bittern Ixobrychus cinnamomeus
One seen whilst travelling on Bohol on 27th.
Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis
A male scoped on the ground at the University farm land, Mt. Makiling on 17th.
Wandering Whistling Duck Dedrocygna arcuata
Seven in flight at the PICOP disused airfield, Mindanao on 30th.
Philippine DuckAnas luzonica
Two pairs seen in flight at the PICOP disused airfield, Mindanao on 30th.
Oriental Honey Buzzard Pernis ptilorhynchus
One in flight PICOP on 1st and close views of an adult and juvenile at Mt.Kitanglad on 5th, Mindanao.
Barred Honey Buzzard Pernis celebensis
On Mindanao, a perched bird nr.Bislig on 30th another PICOP on 1st and an adult and immature bird scoped along road 42, PICOP the following day.
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus
A total of c30 birds seen on seven dates on Luzon, Negros, Bohol and Mindanao.
White-bellied Sea-Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster
An adult and immature bird soaring over St.Paul’s N.P., Palawan on 23rd.
Eastern Marsh Harrier Circus spilonotus
Single bird hunting around Negros airfield on 27th.
Pied Harrier Circus melanoleucos
A very smart adult male hunting around Negros airfield on 27th gave prolonged views.
Japanese Sparrowhawk Accipiter gularis
Amazingly an immature bird was found by spotlighting as it roosted high up in a tree at Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on 27th. Single adult birds were found perched at the same site on the 28th & 29th.
Chinese Goshawk Accipiter soloensis
One seen in the lowlamd forest of Subic Bay, Luzon on 21st
Crested Goshawk Accipiter trivirgatus
Scope views of a perched bird inland from Sabang, Palawan on 23rd and another perched and flying adult at Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on 27th.
Grey-faced Buzzard Butastur indicus
One found on the lower slopes of Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th and good scope views of a perched bird as we left Subic Bay,Luzon on 21st.
Philippine Serpent EagleSpilornis holuspilus
At least twelve of these raptors ( ads.& imms.) were seen soaring and heard uttering their loud whistling call on nine dates. Luzon, Negros, Bohol and Mindanao.
Philippine EaglePithecophaga jefferyi
At Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao on the 4th at 07.40 hrs a perched bird was found in the forest across the valley. It was hunting and flew several times for relatively short distances from perch to perch within the canopy. Looking through the scope you could see its crest feathers shaking as it peered down into the trees searching for prey. On the following day we spent seven hours at the upper watch point, hearing the whistling call on many occasions without seeing this magnificent eagle. Returning down the mountain at 15.00hrs our local guide spotted an adult P.E. perched in a moss covered dead tree, in a position not visible from the upper view point. Without doubt one of the key birds of any trip to the Philippines.
Pinsker’s Hawk-EagleSpizaetus pinskerii
On Mindanao, one was seen soaring and calling over the PICOP lowland forest on 2nd and on Mt.Kitanglad an immature bird was watched hunting along the forest edge on 4th.
Philippine FalconetMicrohierax erythrogenys
This very attractive tiny falcon was seen in small groups on four occasions – five Mt.Makiling on 17th; three Subic Bay on 2st including one eating a large green grasshopper; two PICOP on 1st and three the following day at the same site.
Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculus
A single hovering bird over the airfield at Manila on 25th as we waited for our aircraft to take off.
Tabon Scrubfowl Megpodius cumingii
Three birds watched in the undergrowth at St.Paul’s N.P., Palawan on 23rd.
Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus
Several heard calling from the forest at Subic Bay on 21st was followed by the sighting of a male along road 42, PICOP on 2nd.
Palawan Peacock-PheasantPolyplectron napoleonis
The beautiful solitary male bird was enticed out of thick undergrowth at St.Paul’s N.P.,Palawan on 23rd and gave ridiculously close views. Without doubt one of the birds of the trip.
Blue-breasted Quail Turnix sylvaticus
One flushed from crops at 1460m on Mt.Kitanglad on 5th.
Spotted Buttonquail Turnix ocellatus
Whilst searching for this species around the University farmland at Mt.Makiling on 17th, one was flushed by DLC as he stepped out of the vehicle, it dropped into cover and could not be relocated.
Slaty-breasted Rail Gallirallus striatus
One was well seen in the late afternoon at the University farmland, Mt.Makiling on 17th.
Barred Rail Gallirallus torquatus
One Subic Bay on 21st and two on the edge of a rice field on Bohol on 27th and another bird at the same place the following day.
Plain Bush-henAmaurornis olivacea
Excellent views of three birds at dusk walking along the edge of the pool and into scrub at Joseph’s estate, Negros on 25th. Calling birds were heard at Subic Bay on 20th and at 1330 and 1450 metres on Mt.Kitanglad on 4th and 5th.
White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus
Two at the University farmland at Mt.Makiling on 17th and one at Subic Bay on 21st.
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus
Four at the University farmland at Mt.Makiling on 17th.
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva
Three roosting in mangoves at Puerto Princesa, Palawan on 22nd
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius
Two on the old PICOP airfield runway, Mindanao on 30th.
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus
A single bird on a tidal coral reef at Sabang, Palawan on 24th.
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia
At least 6 counted on rice fields when travelling by road from Manila to Banaue on 18th.
Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus
One in flight over a rice field south of Dalton Pass, Luzon on 20th
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola
One on a roadside rice fields north of Manila on 18th.
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos
A total of six in a variety of coastal habitats on Palawan on 22nd and one on a river, east Mindanao on 30th
Swinhoe’s/ Pintail Snipe Gallinago megala / stenura
At least one flushed separately from Common Snipe at the old PICOP airfield, Mindanao on 30th was considered to be either one of these migrant species on the basis of heavier and less erratic flight.
Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago
At least 5 flushed at the same site as above.
Bukidnon WoodcockScolopax bukidnonensis
A roding bird (s) flew over our camp site ( 1350 metres ) on Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao at the last glimmer of light on three successive nights, 3rd, 4th and 5th. The flight call was noted as a rapid series of squeaky notes different from Eurasian Woodcock but interspersed by the dull croaking call not unlike this species.
This species was only first described in 1995, although seen and heard in February 1993.
Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum
Four sightings – 4 on 18th over drier open areas north of Manila, Luzon; c65 south of Dalton Pass, Luzon on 20th; 4+ on the airport runway at Bacolod on 25th and 6+ on the runway at Negros on 27th.
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus
Ten in a roadside rice field en route Banaue on 18th.
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus
Commonly found hawking over rice fields as we travelled around the islands, sometimes in their hundreds.
Thick-billed Green-Pigeon Treron curvirostra
A flock of ten flew over secondary growth near Sabang, Palawan on 24th.
Pink-necked Green-Pigeon Treron vernans
A total of 18 in small groups around the old PICOP airfield, Mindanao on 30th.
White-eared Brown-DovePhapitreron leucotis
A total of at least 20 seen on eight dates on Luzon, Bohol and Mindanao.
Amethyst Brown-DovePhapitreron amethystinus
One seen perched by DLC along road 42, PICOP, Mindanao on 2nd.
Yellow-breasted Fruit-DovePtilinopus occipitalis
Two perched deep inside the caopy of a trackside tree, Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao on 4th.
Black-chinned Fruit-DovePtilinopus leclancheri
One only found perched in lowland forest at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Pink-bellied Imperial-PigeonDucula poliocephala
Only heard, calling birds at PICOP on 2nd.
Green Imperial-Pigeon Ducula aenea
Three Subic forest, Luzon on 20th and a total of 50 birds on Palawan, 22nd,23rd &24th.
Philippine Cuckoo-DoveMacropygia tenuirostris
One on Palawan on 22nd; 3+ PICOP,Mindanao on 2nd and 5 Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao on 4th.
Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis
Small numbers seen on eleven dates throughout all the islands.
Zebra Dove Geopelia striata
At least 27 seen on six dates on Luzon, Palawan, Negros, Bohol and Mindanao.
Common Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica
Eleven birds seen on nine dates on Luzon, Palawan, Negros, Bohol and Mindanao.
GuaiaberoBolbopsittacus lunulatus
Six found on Mt.Makiling on 17th, one Banaue are on 20th and eight PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Philippine CockatooCacatua haematuropygia
Four flew into the top of a forest tree inland from Sabang, Palawan early on 24th and gave scope views. A very good find for this increasingly threatened parrot due principally to nest robbing to supply the pet trade and habitat destruction.
Blue-naped Parrot Tanygnathus lucionensis
Single birds at Subic forest, Luzon on 20th & 21st; Sabang area, Palawan on 22nd & 23rd and three at the same locality on 24th.
Blue-crowned Racquet-tail Prioniturus discurus
One scoped in the canopy of a huge forest tree on Mt. Kanla-on, Negros on 26th and another in the lowland forest at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Blue-headed Raquet-tail Prioniturus platenae
A flock of 25 feeding in a fruiting tree inland from Sabang, Palawan on 24th.
(Mindanao) Montane Racquet-tail Prioniturus waterstradti
At around 1500 m. on Mt.Kitanglad, several noisy groups were seen flying over the forest, 11+ on 4th and 7 the following day.
Colasisi Loriculus philippensis
This small hanging parrot was seen on four occasions. Five at Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th; one Subic, Luzon on 21st; three Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao on 4th and another the following day.
Plaintive Cuckoo Cacomantis merulinus
One inland from Sabang, Palawan on 23rd.
Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus
Two adults Mt.Kanla-on, Negros on 26th, singles at PICOP on 30th, at Mt.Kitanglad seen and heard daily 3-5th.
Asian Drongo Cuckoo Sturniculus lugubris
Single Sabang, Palawan on 24th.
Philippine Drongo-Cuckoo Sturniculus velutinus
Single perched bird PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Scale-feathered Malkoha Lepidogrammus cumingi
This rather skulking bird moves quietly through dense vines and thickets and was seen on Luzon as follows: 3+ Mt.Makiling on 17th; 2 Mt.Polis on 19th; singles at Subic Bay on 20th and 21st.
Chestnut-breasted Malkoha Zanclostomus curvirostris harringtoni
Seen only on Palawan with two on 22nd and 23rd and three on 24th.
Red-crested Malkoha Dasylophus superciliosus
One Mt.Makiling on 17th, three Subic Bay on 20th and five at the same lowland forest site the following day.
Greater Coucal Centropus sinensis
One en route Sabang, Palawan on 22nd.
Lesser Coucal Centropus bengalensis
An immature bird Mt.Makiling, 17th; an adult en route Banaue on 18th and another bird Banaue area on 19th.
Philippine Coucal Centropus viridis
One or two seen on seven dates on Luzon, Negros and Mindanao.
Black-faced Coucal Centropus melanops
Two or three seen, others heard at Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on 28th and 29th. Two PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Rufous Coucal Centropus unirufus
This Luzon endemic was seen in the lowland forest of Subic Bay, 7 on 20th and 4 on 21st.
Luzon Scops Owl Otus longicornis
One spotlighted pre-dawn and others heard en-route Mt.Polis, Banaue on 19th.
Palawan Scops Owl Otus fuliginosus
Heard only inland from Sabang on 23rd. It would not come in to recorded call, probably due to the time of year.
Philippine Scops Owl Otus megalotis
Again heard only on 27th , Bohol and Mindanao on 4th.
Giant Scops Owl Mimizuku gurneyi
Heard only during each night of our stay at Mt.Kitanglad, 3-5th.
Philippine Hawk-Owl Ninox philippensis
Three spotlighted at Mt.Makiling, on 17th; heard on Bohol on 27th and heard only on Mindanao on 2nd.
Philippine Frogmouth Batrachostomus septimus septimus
Very good views in a spotlight of one very close to our camp at Mt.Kitanglad, 3rd.
Javan ( Palawan ) Frogmouth Batrachostomus javensis
One heard calling inland from Sabang, Palawan on 23rd, but failed to show in response to recorded call notes.
Great Eared Nightjar Eurostopodus macrotis
Three overhead at dusk , Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on 27th and at Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao one or two birds each night at dusk during our three night stay, 3rd-5th.
Philippine Nightjar Caprimulgus manillensis manillensis
Two at PICOP, Mindanao on 2nd and heard from our Mt.Kitanglad campsite on 3rd and 4th.
Island ( Uniform ) Swift Aerodramus vanikorensis amelis
Ten over Mt.Kanla-on, Negros on 26th.
Palawan Swiftlet Aerodramus palawensis
C50 around the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Palawan on 23rd
Philippine Swiftlet Aerodramus mearnsi
Six Mt.Polis, Luzon on 19th.
Edible-nest Swiftlet Aerodramus fuciphagus
Ten’s of birds around the subterranean cave entrance at St.Paul’s National Park, Palawan on 23rd.
Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia esculenta
The most commonly seen swift with often up to a hundred plus birds at each islands visited.
Pygmy SwiftletCollocalia troglodytes
Less common than Glossy and small numbers were seen at Mt.Makiling and Subic Bay, Luzon and at PICOP and Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao.
Philippine Needletail Mearnsia picina
Seen only over the forest at PICOP, Mindanao with 9 on 1st and 3+ the following day.
Brown-backed Needletail Hirundapus giganteus
Four over lowland forest, Palawan on 22nd.
Purple Needletail Hirundapus celebensis
This huge, fast flying swift was seen in small squadrons on Luzon on three dates. Six over a river valley en-route Banaue on 18th and ten at the same place on our return on 20th. Three Subic Bay on 21st.
House Swift Apus nipalensis
One on 17th and c30 the following day on Luzon.
Whiskered Treeswift Hemiprocne comata major
Only two sightings of this very attractive bird, both perched in tree tops. One Subic Bay on 21st and another Mt.Kitanglad on 5th.
Philippine Trogon Harpactes ardens
One Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th and two seen very well at Rajah Sikatuna forest, Bohol on 29th.
Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis
One or two birds at Subic Bay, on 21st and 22nd and two inland from Sabang, Palawan on 23rd.
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis bengalensis
Two Sabang, Palawan on 23rd and one or two at Joseph’s farm, Negros on 25th and 26th.
Indigo-banded Kingfisher Alcedo cyanopecta cyanopecta
A female at Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th.
Silvery Kingfisher Alcedo argentata flumenicola
Stunning views of a perched male bird on a small river close to the Chocolate hills, Bohol on 28th.Without doubt one of the most gorgeous birds of the entire trip.
Oriental Dwarf-Kingfisher Ceyx erithaca
Two on 23rd, Palawan.
Ruddy Kingfisher Halcyon cormanda
One on 27th, Bohol.
White-throated Kingfisher Halcyon smyrnensis
Up to six seen on eight dates on Luzon and Mindanao.
Rufous-lored Kingfisher Todirhamphus winchelli
Heard calling at both dawn and dusk at several sites on Bohol and Mindanao. Eventually well seen at Rajah Sikatuna on 28th.
White-collared Kingfisher Todirhamphus chloris
Up to five seen on eleven dates on Luzon, Palawan, Negros, Bohol and Mindanao.
Spotted Wood-Kingfisher Actenoides lindsayi
A pair at Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th and heard on 27th, Negros.
Blue-capped Wood-Kingfisher Actenoides hombroni
Only on Mindanao, a male at PICOP on 2nd and heard at Mt.Kitanglad on both 4th & 5th.
Blue-throated Bee-eater Merops viridis
Ten on 20th and 6 the following day at Subic Bay forest, Luzon.
Blue-tailed Bee-eater Merops philippinus
Single en-route Banaue on 18th; 3 Dalton Pass on 20th and 4 Subic Bay on 21st all Luzon.
Luzon Tarictic Hornbill Penelopides manillae
Pair Subic Bay lowland forest on 21st, Luzon
Mindanao Tarictic Hornbill Penelopides affinis
Two Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on 27th & 28th; 3 PICOP on 1st & 2nd and 3 Mt.Kitanglad on 4th& 5th.
Writhed Hornbill Aceros leucocehalus
A total of 7 PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Palawan Hornbill Anthracoceros marchei
At least nine inland from Sabang on 24th.
Rufous HornbillBuceros hydrocorax
Along road 4 within PICOP, Mindanao at least 8 on 1st.
Coppersmith Barbet Megalaima haemacephala
Three Mt.Makiling on 17th and one PICOP on 1st
Philippine Pygmy Woodpecker Dendrocopos maculatus
One Mt.Makiling on 17th; two La Mesa Eco.Park on 18th and one Mt.Kitanglad on 3rd.
Sooty Woodpecker Mulleripicus funebris
Two Subic Bay lowland forest, Luzon on 21st.
Great Slaty Woodpecker Mulleripicus pulverulentus
A presumed pair flying inland from Sabang, Palawan on 24th were only seen by DLC.
White-bellied Woodpecker Dryocopus javensis
Singles were seen on 20th at Subic Bay; on 22nd, 23rd & 24th around Sabang, Palawan; at PICOP on 1st.
Greater Flameback Chrysocolaptes lucidus
One Subic Bay on 20th and three at the same site on 21st. At Mt.Kitanglad, one 4th another calling the following day.
Common Flaeback Dinopium javanense everetti
Seen only on Palawan. A pair on 22nd and one on 23rd, both inland from Sabang.
Red-bellied Pitta Pitta erythrogaster
A juvenile bird was watched by the side of the trail at Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th.
Hooded Pitta Pitta sordida
On Palawan, inland from Sabang whilst spotlighting for owls/frogmouths, one was found roosting about 7 metres up in a bushy tree over our trail.
Steere’s Pitta Pitta steerii
Despite considerable efforts by our two guides, six or more of these endemic pitas were heard, but none would come in close to playbacked calls either on Bohol or Mindanao.
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
Identified in small numbers on eight or more dates on Luzon, Negros, Bohol and Mindanao.
Pacific Swallow Hirundo tahitica
Commonly found on all islands visited.
Striated Swallow Cecropis striolata
Six around the airport buidings on Negros on 27th; 3 or 4 around the Chocolate Hills Hotel, Bohol on 28th and 29th.
Australasian Lark Mirafra javanica
Five over fields close to Mt.Makiling on 17th and 8+ around the runway at Negros airport on 27th.
Bar-bellied Cuckoo-shrike Coracina striata
Up to four birds seen on 7 dates on Luzon, Palawan, Negros and Bohol.
Blackish-Cuckoo-shrike Coracina coerulescens
At Subic Bay lowland forest, six on 20th and one the following day.
Black-bibbed Cuckoo-shirike Coracina mindanensis
A single male scoped ina tree top responded to playbacked calls, PICOP, Mindanao on 2nd.
White-winged Cuckoo-shrike Coracina ostenta
Three plus birds on Mt.Kanla-on, Negros on 26th.
McGregor’s Cuckoo-shrike Coracina mcgregori
One seen well on Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao on 5th.
Black-and-white Triller Lalage melanoleuca
Single seen by DLC at Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th.
Pied Triller Lalage nigra
Calling birds heard only at Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao on 4th.
Ashy Minivet Pericrocotus divaricatus
Six over, at Subic Bay Lowland forest on 20th.
Scarlet Minivet Pericrocotus flammeus
Single at PICOP, Mindano on 1st.
Philippine Leafbird Chloropsis flavipennis
Heard only at road 42, PICOP, Mindanao on 2nd.
Yellow-throated Leafbird Chloropsis palawanensis
One inland from Sabang, Palawan on 23rd.
Common Iora Aegithina tiphia
Single inland from Sabang, Palawan on 22nd.
Black-headed Bulbul Pycnonotus atriceps
Seen only on Palawan. 10 on 23rd and 8 the following day, both near Sabang.
Yellow-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus goiavier
Seen on at least eight dates, when quite common on Luzon and Mindanao.
Yellow-wattled Bulbul Pycnonotus urostictus
Three at Mt.Makiling on 17th; one Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on 29th and up to five at PICOP on 1st & 2nd.
Grey-cheeked Bulbul Cringer bres frater
Only on Palawan. Six on 22nd and five on 24th, both near Sabang.
Sulpher-bellied Bulbul Iole palawanensis
Only on Palawan. One on 23rd and six the following day, both near Sabang.
Philippine Bulbul Ixos philippinus
Commonly seen on at least 12 dates on all islands visited.
Yellowish Bulbul Ixos everetti
At PICOP, Mindanao on 1st, 8+ birds located.
Ashy Drongo Dicrurus leucophaeus
On Palawan, 3 on 22nd and one the following day.
Balicassiao Dicrurus balicassius
Up to four seen and heard at Mt.Makiling, Subic Bay, both Luzon and also on Negros.
Hair-crested Drongo Dicrurus hottentottus
Small numbers of this confusing Philippine Drongo were seen on Palawan.
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus
Small numbers were seen on Bohol and Mindano, but situation confusing.
Dark-throated Oriole Oriolus xanthonotus persuasus
Two seen each day on Palawan, 22nd-24th.
Philippine Oriole Oriolus steeri
One at PICOP, Mindanao on the 1st was the only record.
White-lored Oriole Oriolus albiloris
One scoped in tree top, Subic Bay, Luzon on 21st.
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis
The commonest Oriole. Up to three seen on eight dates on Luzon, Palawan, Bohol and Mindanao.
Philippine Fairy-Bluebird Irena cyanogastra hoogstraali
One located at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Asian Fairy-Bluebird Irena puella tweeddalei
On Palawan, 6+ on 22nd and 1 the following day.
Slender-billed Crow Corvus enca pusillus
This noisy forest crow with its strange fluttering flight was seen only on Palawan. Four on 22nd, six on 23rd and 10 on 24th.
Large-billed Crow Corvus macrothynchos
Commonly seen on Luzon and Mindanao.
Palawan Tit Parus amabilis
A pair inland from Sabang, Palawan on 23rd and another the following day.
Elegant Tit Parus elegans
Five at Mt.Makiling on 17th; 8 Mt.Polis on 19th and a single on lower slopes of Mt.Kitanglad on 3rd.
Sulpher-billed Nuthatch Sitta oenochlamys
Single Mt.Makiling on 17th and at Mt.Kitanglad,Mindanao 2+ on 3rd and 4 on 4th.
Stripe-headed Rhabdornis Rhabdornis mystacalis
Two Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th.
Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis Rhabdornis inornatus
On Mt.Kitanglad,Mindanao at least 15 in tree tops on 4th and 2 the following day.
Ashy-headed Babbler Malacocincla cinereiceps
Single birds on Palawan on 22nd and 23rd.
Streaked Ground-Babbler Ptilocichla mindanensis
Three responded to play backed calls and showed well at Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on 29th.
Pygmy Babbler Stachyris plateni
A total of six at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Rusty-crowned Babbler Stachyris capitalis euroaustralis
A total of ten at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Black-crowned Babbler Stachyris nigrocapitata boholensis
Two at Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on 28th.
Flame-templed Babbler Stachyris speciosa
At least three Mt.Kanlaon, Negros on 26th.
Chestnut-faced Babbler Stachyris whiteheadi
Thirty plus were recorded at Mt.Polis, Luzon on 19th.
Striped Tit-Babbler Macronous gularis
Up to five birds seen each day on Palawan during our three day stay, 22nd-24th.
Brown Tit-Babbler Macronous striaticeps
At Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol five on 28th and four on 29th. At PICOP, Mindanao 3+ on 1st and 12 the following day.
White-browed Shortwing Brachypterx montana
This shy songster was heard only on Luzon, Negros and Mindanao.
Oriental Magpie Robin Copsychus saularis
Two single birds. One at the Butterfly centre, Bohol on 27th and another en route Bislig, Mindanao on 30th.
White-browed Shama Copsychus luzoniensis
On Luzon, seen and heard at Mt.Makiling on 17th and at Subic Bay on 21st
White-vented Shama Copsychus niger
Only found on Palawan where two on 23rd and 24th.
Luzon Water-Redstart Rhyacornis bicolor
A pair at a roadside waterfall near Mt.Polis, Luzon on 19th.
Pied Bushchat Saxicola torquatus
Seen on six dates in small numbers on Luzon, Negros, Bohol and Mindanao.
Blue Rock-Thrush Monticola solitarius
Two males near Mt.Polis, Luzon on 19th.
Ashy Ground-Thrush Zoothera cinerea
An adult was watched and photographed for about twenty minutes feeding amongst dead leaves on a pathway at La Mesa Eco.Park, north Manila on 18th. Remarkably a nest was found earlier in the season at this very public site from which young were fledged.
Island Thrush Turdus poliocephalus
Six at dawn on the road at Mt.Polis, Luzon on 19th.
Eyebrowed Thrush Turdus obscurus
During our stay at Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao flocks of these thrushes were seen, up to 100 on 3rd to 5th.
Golden-bellied Flyeater Gerygone sulphurea
Two at La Mesa Eco.Park, north Manila on 18th.
Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis
One or two migrants were seen at several sites in Luzon and Bohol.
Philippine Leaf-Warbler Phylloscopus olivaceus
Three Mt. Kanlaon, Negros on 26th; one or more at Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on 29th and up to four at PICOP and Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao during 1st to 3rd.
Mountain Leaf-Warbler Phylloscopus trivigatus
At least 12 Mt.Polis, Luzon on 19th and 5 at Mt.Kanlaon, Negros on 26th.
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis
One responded to play backed calls at Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao on 4th.
Striated Grassbird Megalurus palustris
Commonly found at Mt.Makiling, Luzon and Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao and on roadside bushes and wires elsewhere.
Philippine Tailorbird Orthotomus castaneiceps
One Subic Bay, Luzon on 21st and two Mt.Kanlaon, Negros on 26th.
Rufous-fronted Tailorbird Orthotomus frontalis
Single at Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on28th and another at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Grey-backed Tailorbird Orthotomus derbianus
Two at Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th.
Mountain Tailorbird Orthotomus cuculatus
Four at Mt.Polis, north Luzon on 19th.
Rufous-headed Tailorbird Orthotomus heterolaemus
On Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao one on 4th and two the following day.
Rufous-tailed Tailorbird Orthotomus sericeus
On Palawan, one on 22nd and three on 24th.
Yellow-breasted Tailorbird Orthotomus samarensis
One only at Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on 28th.
Black-headed Tailorbird Orthotomus nigriceps
Two at PICOP, Mindanao on 2nd.
Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis
One at the old PICOP airfield, Mindanao on 30th.
Luzon Bush-Warbler Cettia seebohmi
Three at Mt.Polis, Luzon on 19th.
Long-tailed Ground-Warbler Bradypterus caudatus
Heard only at Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao on 4th.
Rufous-tailed Jungle-Flycatcher Rhinomyias ruficauda
At PICOP, one on 1st and two the following day.
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa dauurica
Two inland from Sabang, Palawan on 22nd.
Ashy-breasted Flycatcher Muscicapa randi
This rare species was identified at Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th.
Grey-streaked Flycatcher Muscicapa griseistica
Up to four seen on eleven dates on nearly all islands visited.
Mountain Verditer-Flycatcher Eumyias panayensis
Two Mt.Polis, on 19th; two Mt.Kanlaon, on 26th and three Mt.Kitanglad on 4th and 5th.
Little Slaty-Flycatcher Ficedula basilanica
A pair of these very attractive flycatchers was watched flitting about low down in undergrowth at PICOP, Mindanao on 2nd.
Little Pied Flycatcher Ficedula westermanni
Three males at Mt.Polis, on 19th and two at Mt.Kitanglad on 4th and another on 5th.
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana
On Palawan, three on 22nd and singles on 23rd & 24th, all inland from Sabang. Said to be a rare migrant.
Palawan Blue Flycatcher Cyornis lemprieri
Two females, inland from Sabang, Palawan on 24th.
Mangrove Blue Flycatcher Cyornis rufigastra
A single at La Mesa Eco.Park, north Manila, on 18th.
Citrine Canary-Flycatcher Culicicapa helianthea
Two Mt.Kanlaon, Negros on 26th.
Pied Fantail Rhipidura javanica
Two at nr. Manilla on 18th ; four at Joseph’s estate, Negros on 25th and two the following day.
Blue Fantail Rhipidura superciliaris
Three at Rajah Sikatuna,Bohol on 28th & 29th. Six at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st and five on 2nd.
Blue-headed Fantail Rhipidura cyaniceps
Up to six seen on four dates, on both Luzon and Negros.
Black-and-cinnamon Fantail Rhipidura nigrocinnamomea
Two on Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao on 3rd.
Rufous Paradise-Flycatcher Terpsiphone cinnamomea
Two females at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Blue Paradise-Flycatcher Terpsiphone cyanescens
Only seen on Palawan, a pair on 23rd and two males on 24th, both inland from Sabang
Black-naped Monarch Hypothymis azurea
One nr. Sabang on 24th; two Rajah Sikatuna on 28th and one on 29th; three PICOP on 1st.
Celestial Monarch Hypothymis coelestis
This gorgeous flycatcher was found in mixed flocks at PICOP, Mindanao. A pair on 1st and a male the following day at the same site.
Short-crested Monarch Hypothymis helenae
At PICOP, Mindanao six on 1st and two the following day.
Green-backed Whistler Pachycephala albiventris
Five at Mt.Polis, Luzon on 19th.
White-vented Whistler Pachycephala homeyeri
Five at Mt.Kanlaon,Negros on 26th.
Yellow-bellied Whister Pachycephala philippinensis
At Rajah Sikatuna, two on both 28th & 29th; at PICOP, three on 1st and four on 2nd.
Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea
Seen on five dates with a maximum of ten at Mt.Polis, Luzon. Found also on Negros and Bohol.
Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava
Ten plus on a cultivated field on Mt. Kitanglad, Mindanao on 4th.
Forest Wagtail Dendronanthus indicus
One feeding on the main track at Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th was considered to be quite a rarity in the Philippines.
Richard’s Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae
Small groups of up to 30 were seen on four dates, Luzon, Negros and Mindanao.
Olive-tree Pipit Anthus hodgsoni
Three Mt. Polis on 19th and one at Mt.Kanlaon on 26th.
Pechora Pipit Anthus gustavi
One seen by our guide Nicky creeping around the forest floor at Subic Bay on 21st.
White-breasted Wood-swallow Artamus leucorynchus
Small groups were often found perched on roadside trees and wires. c70 on 9 dates, all islands.
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach
Up to four were found on Luzon ( 4 dates ) and Mindanao ( 4 dates).
Mountain Shrike Lanius validirostris
A single bird Mt.Polis, Luzon on 19th.
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus
A very common bird seen in small numbers on virtually every day, throughout the islands.
Short-tailed Glossy Starling Aplonis minor
Seen only on Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao where 16 on 4th and 50 on 5th.
Asian Glossy Starling Aplonis panayensis
Small flocks were found on Palawan, Bohol and Mindanao totalling about 200 birds
Coleto Sarcops calvus
At Subic Bay, 5 on 20th and 3 on 21st; 4 at Mt.Kanalon on 26th, several on Bohol and many at PICOP 1st to 3rd.
Crested Mynah Acridotheres cristatellus
Six en-route Banaue on 18th was the only record of this introduced species.
Apo Myna Basilornis miranda
Only found on the upper elevations of Mt.Kitanglad where six on 4th and two the following day.
Hill Mynah Gracula religiosa
Only on Palawan, all inland of Sabang, singles on 22nd and 23rd , three on 24th.
Plain-throated Sunbird Anthreptes malacensis
Only one en-route Sabang, Palawan on 22nd.
Olive-backed Sunbird Cinnyris jugularis
The most common lowland subird, seen on nine dates, with most on Palawan.
Purple-throated Sunbird Leptocoma sperata
A male en-route Sabang, Palawan on 22nd.
Flaming Sunbird Aethopyga flagrans
Pair Mt.Kanlaon, Negros on 26th.
Grey-hooded Sunbird Aethopyga primigenius primigenius
One only at Mt.Kitanglad, Midanao on 4th.
Metallic-winged Sunbird Aethopyga pulcherrima
Six at Mt. Polis on 19th and two at PICOP, on both 1st and 2nd.
Lovely Sunbird Aethopyga shelleyi
Two males on 23rd and one the following day, both inland from Sabang, Palawan.
Handsome Sunbird Aethopyga bella
One only at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Crimson Sunbird Aethopyga siparaja
Two Josef’s estate, Bacalod on 25th.
Naked-faced Spiderhunter Arachnothera clarae
Two at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Little Spiderhunter Arachnothera longirostra
Singles near Sabang, Palawan on 23rd and 24th; and PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Olive-backed Flowerpecker Prionochilus olivaceus
Single birds at PICOP, on 1st and 2nd.
Palawan Flowerpecker Prionochilus plateni
Near Sabang, one on 22nd, five on 23rd and three on 24th.
Olive-capped Flowerpecker Dicaeum nigrilore
One only at Mt.Kitanglad, on 4th.
Visayan Flowerpecker Dicaeum haematostictum
Only at Josef’s estate, Bacalod one on 25th and five the following day.
Red-keeled Flowerpecker Dicaeum australe
At least one Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th, followed by five at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Buzzing Flowerpecker Dicaeum hypoleucum
Two at Mt.Makiling on 17th, two PICOP on 1st, 2nd and two Mt.Kitanglad on 3rd and 4th.
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker Dicaeum trigonostigma
Two Mt.Kanlahon, Negros on 26th then singles at PICOP on both 1st and 2nd.
Fire-breasted Flowerpecker Dicaeum ignipectus
Two at Subic Bay on 19th followed by two at Mt.Kitanglad on 4th and one the following day.
Pygmy Flowerpecker Dicaeum pygmaeum
Single at Mt. Makiling on 17th; two Subic Bay on 21st and two on 22nd and another on 24th, both Palawan.
Lowland White-eye Zosterops meyeni
Eight on Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 18th was the only record.
Everett’s White-eye Zosterops everetti
Two at PICOP, Mindanao on 2nd were only seen by V.W.
Yellowish White-eye Zosterops nigrorum
Twenty at 605 metres on Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th.
Mountain White-eye Zosterops montanus
On Mt.Polis, Luzon 10 on 19th and on Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao 20+ on 4th and 12 on 5th.
Cinnamon Ibon Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus
Seen only on Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao above 1330 metres, 4 on 3rd; 8 on 4th and 2 on 5th.
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus
This introduced species was very common and seen daily except on upper elevations of Mt.Kitanglad.
Red-eared Parrotfinch Erythrura coloria
Three feeding on yellow aster seed heads gave good scope views on Mt.Kitanglad, 4th
Java Sparrow Lonchura oryzivora
Five were seen feeding in conifer trees next to the airport building at Negros, on 27th.
White-bellied Munia Lonchura leucogastra
Three Mt.Polis on 19th; one PICOP on 1st and 6+ on Mt.Kitanglad on 4th.
Scaly-breasted Munia Lonchura punctulata
Four Palawan on 23rd; twenty Negros airfield on 27th.
Chestnut Munia Lonchura malacca
One hundred plus at Subic Bay on 20th and c25 at PICOP on 30th.
Total species recorded was 278 of which 128 were endemics.Non-avian observationsCobra sp. One disturbed from the side of a track on Mt.Makiling, Luzon on 17th and another large snake crossed our trail at PICOP, Mindanao on 1st.
Long-tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis philippensis
Up to thirty were found in forest at Subic Bay, Luzon on 21st ; Puerto Princesa, Palawan on 23rd; near Sabang, Palawan on 24th ; Rajah Sikatuna , Bohol on 27th,28th & 29th ; PICOP and Mt. Kitanglad, Mindanao on 2nd and 5th.
Colugo or Philippine flying lemur Cynocephalus volans
Two or more were seen at Rajah Sikatuna, Bohol on 27th, 28th and 29th.
Philippine Deer Rusa marianna
Seen briefly and heard calling on Mt.Kitanglad, Mindanao on 5th.
Giant golden-crowned flying fox Acerodon jubatus
Large roost of these endangered fruit bats was watched at dawn at Subic Bay lowland forest on 21st
Northern Palawan Tree Squirrel Sundasciurus juvencus
Single seen by PC. at Sabang, Palawan on 23rd
Many other unidentified lizards, flying lizards, geckos, bats, rats, frogs, toads and butterflies were seen during our visit.
Dion Hobcroft writes about his 16-day Philippines custom trip for Victor Emanuel Nature Tour (VENT) clients who had already visited some sites in the Philippines on a previous tour and who wished to explore some islands not visited previously. Dion is an excellent tour leader for VENT and has led numerous trips to Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, Bhutan, India, Southwest Pacific, the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, China, Japan, Russia, Alaska, Tanzania, and the Antarctic.
Date: 18 MARCH - 2 APRIL 2012
VENT (Victor Emanuel Nature Tour) CUSTOM TOUR
Places covered in the tour: Makiling,Mindanao, Cebu, Bohol, Palawan
Participants: Erika Wilson, Paul Davis, JR., Fred Wilson and Dion Hobcroft. Write up by Dion Hobcroft.
Tour leaders: Dion Hobcroft of Victor Emanuel Nature Tours and Adri Constantino of Birding Adventure Philippines2 Philippine Frogmouths and their chick. Photo by Dion Hobcroft
This was a tour put together for VENT clients who had already visited some sites in the Philippines on a previous tour and who wished to explore some islands not visited previously. On this tour we visited Mount Makiling on Luzon, Mindanao, Bohol and Cebu with Dion continuing on to Palawan.
We all met on the night of the 17 March at Manila. Breaking news of a Philippine Eagle-Owl led to some re-arrangements of the following days plans. By mid-morning we were at a Palaeolithic rock shelter site with images of reptiles carved into the cave wall. It was also home to a magnificent Philippine Eagle-Owl. What a way to start the trip.
Philippine Eagle-Owl (left) and Philippine Scops-Owl (right); two of the three owls seen on our first night! Photo by Dion Hobcroft
We continued onto Mount Makiling spending the afternoon birding in the botanic gardens and rice research fields. We enjoyed some great endemics including the scarce Striped Flowerpecker, beautiful Red-keeled Flowerpecker and great views of the somewhat bizarre Red-crested Malkoha. In the evening we did some owling and achieved great results with excellent views of both Philippine Boobook and Philippine Scops-owl; three species of owls seen on our first day.
Next morning it was the obligatory early start and we loaded into the jeepney in the pre-dawn darkness. The big bonus was a great view of the Ashy Ground-Thrush watched in the jeepney headlights. We were now in higher elevation forests and with patience we found some great birds. These included the Spotted Wood-Kingfisher, both male and female, Philippine Falconet, feeding Guiaberos, the crazy-looking Scale-feathered Malkoha, Philippine Fairy-Bluebird, Sulphur-billed Nuthatch, White-browed Shama for some, Gray-backed Tailorbird and Buzzing Flowerpecker. A final check on the bridges produced the hoped for Indigo-banded Kingfisher and we were on our way back to Manila for the night.
Clockwise from top left: Dion, Paul, Fred and Adrian up in Mt. Makiling Photo by Tour Participant Erika Wilson; Spotted Wood Kingfisher Photo by Dion Hobcroft; A Jade Vine petal and live Jade Vine plant in Makiling. Photos by Tour Participant Erika Wilson
A flight to Cagayan de Oro on the island of Mindanao progressed smoothly. We were soon in the van and after lunch drove through to connect with our four wheel drive truck to carry us up as far as practicable to Mount Kitanglad’s Del Monte Lodge. With recent heavy rains the track up was slippery for the truck but we made it up after some great driving by the local expert. We then made the hike of about half a mile up to the lodge with our bags and supplies carried by horse. The track up was muddy with rubber boots and walking sticks pretty much essential.
We spent the last hour or so exploring the forest around the lodge. Our good luck continued with great views of Great Eared-Nightjar, Bukidnon Woodcock roding on dusk, followed by a fly-over Grass Owl and then an amazing experience with a pair of Philippines Frogmouths at a nest with a small chick. Some folks slept in tents and others upstairs on camp-beds. We were comfortable and well fed.
The next morning was eagerly anticipated-a chance to look for the Great Philippine Eagle. We squelched up the track and Adrian made a quick breakthrough when he spotted a perched eagle at about 630am-a new record! The eagle was however distant but with two scopes ramped up to 60 x in the cool morning air the views were definitely acceptable. We birded our way up to the major valley lookout at 1550 metres altitude (5167 feet). We could hear the eagle intermittently whistling in the valley below however we were to have no further luck with any closer sightings today.
Clockwise from top left: Scoping the Great Philippine Eagle; Apo Mynas Photo by Dion Hobcroft; Resting at the Eagle View Point; Mindanao Colasisi Photo by Adri Constantino
There was plenty to look for and we enjoyed many classy endemics including the Apo Myna, White-cheeked Bullfinch, Macgregor’s Cuckoo-shrike, a perched juvenile Pinsker’s Hawk-Eagle, Philippine Swiftlet, Yellow-breasted Fruit-Dove, Philippine Pygmy-Woodpecker, Rufous-headed Tailorbird, Black and Cinnamon Fantail, Cinnamon Ibon and Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis. We found the nest of a Philippine Nightjar with two eggs after it was flushed by a horse. Other new birds for the trip list included Oriental Honey-buzzard, Brush Cuckoo, Whiskered Tree-swift, Fire-breasted Flowerpecker and Pied Triller. Heavy cloud steadily built up and we decided to head back down to the
lodge and we just made it back before a monumental storm rolled in and very heavy rain continued for hours through the night.
Our next full day dawned clear having rained itself out overnight. We wasted no time in getting back up the mountain hoping to reach 1800 metres in altitude whilst the weather held for the endemic Apo Sunbird. We were in luck again when this time Danny spotted the Philippine Eagle perched and this time considerably closer. It then flew even closer towards us and we enjoyed our best scope views watching it calling and feeling very happy with ourselves to have seen this most incredible bird.
Our luck was out with Red-eared Parrot-finches having exhausted their seed supply and beyond a flyover glimpse or two we never got to grips with this species. Similarly the Montane Racquet-tail was heard whilst we were in the forest interior or seen very poorly in flight. Still we did not much care as we were having great luck with so many tough birds including the Apo Sunbird that we watched lining its nest with feathers. After some recordings were made we had superb views of the Long-tailed Bush-Warbler creeping past us like a mouse. Amethyst Brown-Dove perched over our heads for a lengthy view. We had good to great views of Colasisi, Philippine Coucal, Snowy-browed Flycatcher, Coleto and repeat views of many of the birds seen the day before including Yellow-bellied Whistler, Grey-hooded Sunbird, Olive-capped Flowerpecker and the Black-masked White-eye.
Clockwise from top left: Pinsker's Hawk-Eagle (immature); Yellow-breasted Fruit-Dove (imm) and Apo Sunbird nest Photos by Adri Constantino
The Giant Scops-owl called intermittently in the night but despite dashing after it on several occasions it remained well hidden in the forest interior. Dion and Adrian nearly had their head taken off by a Bukidnon Woodcock. The frogs were out in force after another evening of heavy showers and fog.
Our final morning again dawned clear. We made a dash for the Blue-capped Wood-Kingfisher and our luck held when a female came and perched right next to us; a lucky break for this difficult Mindanao endemic. Back down the hill, onto the truck and back in the van we drove through to Bislig. It was a long drive with heavy rain and frequent roadworks slowing us down. We had a delightful lunch at a seaside fish café and an equally tasty dinner at our hotel where Dion discovered “Princess of the Sea” soup!
Group photo at Del Monte Eagle Lodge, Mt. Kitanglad
We were now exploring the lowland rainforest of eastern Mindanao in the former logging concession of PICOP. Connecting with local expert Zardo it was a typical very early start to get out into the forest in the predawn. We spent the whole day in the forest spending lunch and a siesta in an abandoned hut. The morning and afternoon session were both excellent. Rufous-lored Kingfisher, Black-chinned Fruit-Dove, Yellowish Bulbul, Yellow-wattled Bulbul, Stripe-headed Rhabdornis, Pygmy Babbler, Philippine Magpie-Robin, Rufous Paradise-Flycatcher, Metallic-winged Sunbird and the dazzling Short-crested Monarch highlighted the morning. Blue-crowned Racquet-tail perched, Silvery Kingfisher, Mindanao Tarictic Hornbill, Writhed Hornbill, Blue Fantail and Steere’s Pitta highlighted the afternoon in the forest.
With an hour or so left in the late afternoon we walked up the airstrip runway at Bislig for a pleasant change of pace from searching for skulkers in the forest interior. It was also remarkably good with excellent views of Philippine Duck, Wandering Whistling-duck, a male Watercock in display mode, White-browed Crake, Blue-breasted Quail wandering about in the open, a Greater Painted-Snipe and a presumed Swinhoe’s Snipe leading the charge not to mention Black and Yellow Bitterns. On this day we racked up 99 species!
Clockwise from top left: Superb Mindanao Wattled Broadbill Photo by Dion Hobcroft; Hot and humid in PICOP Photo by Erika Wilson; Watercock in Bislig Airfield Photo by Adri Constantino, Our ride in PICOP: a Philippine Jeepney Photo by Erika Wilson; Looking for Writhed Hornbills with Fred, Adrian and local guide Zardo Photo by Erika Wilson
We had a second full day in PICOP and we pushed far into the remotest section possible. A perched Steere’s Honey-buzzard was a good first bird and then a major breakthrough when we watched a pair of Mindanao Wattled Broadbills at a nest they were building right next to the road. Thank you Zardo!!
Tearing ourselves away we kept concentrating on the remaining endemics finishing the day with sightings of Plain Bush-hen, Philippine Drongo-cuckoo, Philippine Needletail, Rufous Hornbill, Black-bibbed Cuckoo-shrike, the distinctive orange gonzalesi Scarlet Minivets, Philippine Leafbird and Philippine Oriole, Rusty-crowned Babbler, Philippine Leaf-warbler, Black-headed Tailorbird, the difficult Little Slaty Flycatcher, Handsome Sunbird and both Olive-backed and Bicolored Flowerpecker; a cracking day indeed. We waited in the afternoon for a repeat audience of the broadbills but we were out of luck and they remained a no-show.
A morning drive to Davao highlighted by a Barred Rail was followed by a flight to Cebu City. Here we spent the rest of the day relaxing. The morning of the 27th dawned and we headed up to the Tabunan forest accompanied by Oking and Lashela. We were taking a chance to try and see the critically endangered Cebu Flowerpecker. It was not surprising we did not see this bird in the half day we allotted to the task. It was an interesting experience birding in the razor sharp limestone karst and clambering up to the amazing viewing platform built by Oking.
It was however remarkably bird rich. After a lengthy duel the rare endemic Black Shama was well seen. We also had luck with two sightings of the “Cebu” Streak-breasted Bulbul at the lower viewing platform, a bird listed in my copy of Clements as extinct-fortunately not the case. The distinctive subspecies of Colasisi, Elegant Tit, Crimson Sunbird, Mangrove Blue Flycatcher and Coppersmith Barbet were also interesting to get good views of. A Hooded Pitta was sighted briefly and there were plenty of small passerines in the form of Olive-backed Sunbird, Everett’s White-eye, Philippine Bulbul, Red-keeled Flowerpecker and munias of two species amongst others to keep us on our toes. We caught the inter-island ferry from Cebu to Bohol distracted by numerous Whiskered Terns and a handful of Black-headed Gulls.
Birding in Tabunan, Central Cebu Photo by Erika Wilson; Cebu Elegant Tit Photo by Dion Hobcroft
Rajah Sikatuna National Park in the centre of Bohol offers excellent forest birding on a network of trails. After a lengthy search we finally caught up with a male Philippine Trogon having been tantalised by its call for two days in eastern Mindanao. It glowed in the scope. Next major stroke of luck came with a pair of Visayan Wattled Broadbills that gave repeat views. Rufous-fronted Tailorbirds drove us around in circles unseen yet we had more luck with the virtual endemic Yellow-breasted Tailorbird that turned on good views. Black-faced Coucal was well seen snooping in vine tangles in the canopy. In the afternoon we scoped a pair of Samar Hornbills well and enjoyed a splendid White-bellied Woodpecker. We had some views of Philippine Boobooks in the evening but they were skittish.
Picturesque Chocolate Hills, Bohol
Our final full day on Bohol dawned with plenty of heavy showers on the forecast. Straight away we locked on to a pair of Streaked Ground-Babblers that perched up and allowed some reasonable photos. We spent the morning in the forest hoping for a sighting of the rarely seen Mindanao Bleeding-heart (St. Jude-the patron saint of lost causes came to mind).We did have luck finding a pair of Black-crowned Babblers in a mixed flock that included Rufous-tailed Jungle-Flycatcher and Blue Fantail. We also enjoyed the beautiful Greater Flamebacks (here of the subspecies rufopunctatus), one of many distinctive populations of this showy woodpecker scattered across the Philippines. In the afternoon we finally pinned down a stunning Visayan Silvery Kingfisher and had good views of Steere’s Pitta.
Uncommon Streaked Ground Babbler in Raja Sikatuna Protected Landscape; Philippine Tarsier in Corella Photos by Dion Hobcroft
A final morning session before flying out was divided between the national park where activity was relatively quiet although we had views of Philippine Sheathtail Bat in a sinkhole and perched Samar Hornbills. We visited the Corella Tarsier Centre. Here they have a predator proof fence surrounding a hectare of forest. In the morning the local guides search for roosting tarsiers and then take in the tourists to see them. No flash photography is permitted to protect the tarsier’s enormous eyes. We were shown four animals. Birding here was also quite good with great views of Philippine Serpent-Eagle and a male Black-chinned Fruit-dove. We flew out in the early afternoon to find ourselves back in Manila and the main tour at an end.
Having farewelled the participants Dion and Adrian continued onto Puerto Princesa on the popular tourist island of Palawan. Here we met Orlan, jumped in the van and were soon amongst the birds. Blue-naped Parrot, the scarce Palawan Hornbill, Palawan and Pygmy Flowerpecker, Lovely Sunbird and the abundant Palawan Crow kept the list ticking over. A pair of Philippine Cockatoos gave good views-a critically endangered species. At dusk we went searching for nocturnal birds with the bright Easter moon not helping the situation. We heard both the Palawan Scops-Owl and Javan Frogmouth but our best sighting was of the endemic Black-footed Flying-squirrel. The avifauna of this island is quite different to the main Philippines being closer to Borneo in the evolutionary scheme of things.
Palawan Peacock Pheasant Photo by Dion Hobcroft
A four am start saw us back in the forest now with the moon set. After more searching this time we had great views of the frogmouth. Breakfast then off by boat to the Underground River at St. Paul’s Subterranean National Park. Greeted by Stork-billed Kingfisher and Tabon Scrubfowl we could hear the star of the show calling in the forest interior. A patient wait and here he comes-the famous male Palawan Peacock Pheasant named by the late Tim Fisher as “Old Faithful”. At fifteen years of age it is uncertain how long he will continue to survive-we can only hope a lot longer.
After enjoying a lengthy session with the peacock-pheasant we birded the forest interior for a couple more hours enjoying excellent views of Hooded Pitta, some sneaky views of Red-bellied Pitta, the endemic White-vented Shama, a female Blue Paradise-Flycatcher and a couple of Palawan Blue Flycatchers. Large Water Monitors, Long-tailed Macaques and the endemic Northern Palawan Squirrel were also frequently encountered.
In the afternoon we returned our attention to the outstanding endemics. Palawan Tit was eventually tracked down in the Albizzia tree canopy along with Yellow-throated Leafbird. Ashy-headed Babbler gave much improved views as did the distinctive subspecies of Greater Flameback. We also enjoyed views of Hill Myna, Dollarbird and yet another Javan (Palawan) Frogmouth.
Our final full day on Palawan and again we were out at 4am back on the trail of the Palawan Scops-owl. Just as we were about to head off the owl responded. I made a sound recording of this bird and it came in straight away for a brief but good view. We trawled further down another trail and this time had an even better closer view. After breakfast in the hotel we returned to the forest. Falcated Ground-Babbler beckoned from deep in the forest interior and even allowed some half decent photographs-a good result for this mega skulker. We enjoyed more views of Philippine Cockatoos and first sightings of both Sulphur-bellied Bulbul and the Common Flameback (this population elevated to full species status on occasions).
Clockwise from top left: The uncommon songster Falcated Ground Babbler Photo by Dion Hobcroft; Palawan Flowerpecker; Palawan Hornbill Photo by Adri Constantino
We returned to Puerto Princesa and birded the forest around the Crocodile Farm. We found a few migrants included a trio of Forest Wagtails and at least three Oriental Cuckoos. We watched several Rufous Night-herons at nests in the canopy. There was also another Blue Paradise-Flycatcher. In the nearby rice fields we found a male Watercock in full display mode and a smattering of shorebirds including a few Long-toed Stints, Oriental Pratincoles and another presumed Swinhoe’s Snipe.
A last morning we explored some forest south of Puerto Princesa hoping for Melodious Babbler and Palawan Flycatcher. The babblers were soon heard but remained buried in the forest. More views of perched Blue-naped Parrots, Palawan Hornbills and then great views of the Melodious Babbler. Focussing on the densest bamboo gullies I heard a response to the flycatcher song but no sighting. After changing position a few times it eventually flew across the road giving a brief view and staying buried in the thick vegetation. Our last stroke of luck came with a trio of Great Slaty Woodpeckers that gave some outstanding views.
Back in Manila we had the chance to visit an ecopark where an Ashy Ground-thrush had recently been found nesting. The highlight here was a superb Red-bellied Pitta that would not leave us alone. Before I knew it I was on the plane back home, my Philippines adventure at an end. Many thanks to Adrian for his outstanding company in the field and complete attention to the logisitics on this tour. Great job Adrian and look forward to birding again in the future.
The complete trip list for all birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians can be seen here.
This is a custom 30-day trip for a group of excellent Swedish birders who visited the Philippines early this year. The trip report was written by Fredrik Rudzki, with photos from Anita Ericson and Roger Holmberg, all tour participants. This group of Swedish birders all belong to Sweden's Club 300, an elite group of Swedish birders who aim to see and learn Sweden's rarest birds. 🙂
Their trip report in PDF can be downloaded here at Sweden's Club 300:
Thanks again Fredrik for the trip report and Anita and Soren for organizing the tour with us, Roger and Anita for the photographs and to all of you for allowing us to show you the best of the Philippines' birds!
Our April 2011 Tour participant Tan Ju Lin writes about their experience in Makiling with us. Tan Ju Lin is a keen birder from Singapore and has been birding for many years now. She has traveled extensively in the Oriental Region and has seen a lot of Asian birds. She will be returning this April 2012 for another Philippine trip covering the more difficult endemics.
The Secrets and Treasures of Mt. Makiling.
Date: 10 – 23 April 2011
Places covered in the tour: Luzon, Mindoro, Negros.
Report covers: Mount Makiling.
Participants: Alfred Chia, Tai Ping Ling, Doreen Ang, Jimmy Chew and Tan Ju Lin. Write up by Tan Ju Lin.
Tour leader: Nicky Icarangal of Birding Adventure PhilippinesLooking for buttonquails in the nice afternoon golden light
A land of 7,107 beautiful emerald islands, blessed with natural beauty and more than 600 species of resident and migratory birds. Of these, almost a third are endemic. With such a high level of endemism, the Philippines holds great attraction for the visiting birder. With visions of ground doves with bleeding hearts, a babbler with flames for temples and kingfishers wearing indigo bands, Alfred Chia, Tai Ping Ling, Doreen Ang, Jimmy Chew and myself planned a trip with Birding Adventure Philippines in pursuit of some of the most unique and beautiful birds in South East Asia. All of us had birded in the Philippines before and were hungering for more, except for Alfred who had previously been to the Philippines on 5 separate occasions, all for work, and claimed that he had not seen more than a Eurasian Tree Sparrow. We were determined to change his fate!
We contacted Adri Constantino and lead guide Nicky Icarangal from Birding Adventure Philippines to plan a trip that would bring us from the regular birding hotspots of Mount Makiling, Subic Bay and Candaba marshes to the more remote and less visited areas such as Mt Polis in northern Luzon, Sablayan Penal Colony in Mindoro and Mount Kanlaon in Negros.
This narrative covers in-depth account of our time in Mount Makiling, a place which holds a significant number of endemic species despite its proximity to Manila. And though this narrative is removed from the format of a traditional birding report, we hope you enjoy reading this account of our 2 days birding in Mount Makiling.
After a relatively short flight from Singapore to Manila via JetStar Airways, we arrived in Manila in the morning and were met by our guide Nicky Icarangal with an incredibly comfortable coaster that would be our transport for a good part of the Luzon leg.
Philippine Pygmy Woodpecker by tour participant Jimmy Chew
Birding proper for us began in the lush green campus of Los Baños Campus of University of the Philippines, on the afternoon of the 10th of April. We started birding at 4.00pm in the afternoon, when the sun was a little less fierce and when the birds started to emerge to feed before the end of the day. We drove to the known location within the campus grounds to look for the Indigo Banded Kingfisher. From the bridge where we stood we had great views of the male Indigo Banded Kingfisher, shimmering like a jewel, showing off its double blue bands and orangey rufous chest. And in the bamboo clump by the side of the bridge, some of us had views of another endemic, a Yellow-wattled Bulbul. Walking around the campus grounds, lifers for Alfred came fast and furious, with a pair of Philippine Pygmy Woodpeckers on low trees by the roadside. A Striped-headed Rhabdornis gave fleeting views, and it would take another day before we all saw them well. Other birds seen walking around the campus grounds were Philippine Bulbuls, Guaiabero, Colasisi, an Oriental Cuckoo and numerous Brown Shrikes. Next, we headed to the Animal Husbandry section of the campus, and I was looking forward to scoring my first lifer of the trip. Spotted Buttonquail!
We positioned ourselves on the sides of the path and Nicky told us to get comfortable, as it would be a waiting game for the Spotted Buttonquail to appear. Fortunately, we did not have to test our resolve, and a pair of Spotted Buttonquails came walking after about half an hour. My first lifer for the trip! Whilst waiting, we also had other distractions in the form of a Coppersmith Barbet, Philippine Hawk Cuckoo, several Oriental Cuckoos, Blue-tailed Bee-eater, Striated Grassbird and Grey-streaked Flycatchers. In the fields in the area we also counted numerous Cattle Egrets, Plain Bush hen, White-breasted Waterhen, Scaly-breasted and White-bellied Munias.
Philippine Hawk-Owl by Jimmy Chew
At dusk we continued our quest for more Philippine endemics, with 3 Philippine Hawk Owls seen and an extremely uncooperative Philippine Nightjar, which flew in and promptly out of sight again. Philippine Scops Owl was heard and not seen, and we would not nail this bird until some days later. Still, it was the start of a reasonably good run of night birds seen during the 2 weeks of our tour.
The thing with birding in the Philippines is that the sun rises incredibly early. At most of our destinations, the sky would already be reasonably bright at 5.00 in the morning. This translates to early morning starts and waking up at an unearthly hour of 3.30 am on many days. Sometimes 4.00 am if we were lucky.
Ashy Ground Thrush - one of the rarest treasures of Makiling. Photo by Jimmy Chew
Our first morning of early starts was well worth our efforts, as bumping our way up Mount Makiling in a banged up jeepney, Nicky yells for the driver to stop and there in the middle of the path, standing in the headlights of the jeepney, stood an Ashy Ground Thrush! We froze momentarily as so did the bird, and recovering from our surprise, we quickly trained our bins on this amazing bird before it hopped off round the corner. Climbing gingerly out of the jeepney, and creeping round the corner we found the thrush again feeding on the ground. Jimmy even managed to set up his tripod and 500mm camera and secured quite a few shots before it took flight. That was Mt Makiling’s first hint not to underestimate what secrets and treasures its forests could hold. And reveal its treasures it did…!
The early morning calls of the Spotted Wood Kingfisher rang through the forests, and it was not long before Nicky spotted a male perched in the trees about 10 metres back from the path. And like many forest kingfishers, this Spotted Wood-Kingfisher managed to stay inconspicuous despite garbed in brilliant blues, greens, bright white and hues of orange. That morning, we also enjoyed good views of the Grey-backed Tailorbird, Philippine Serpent-Eagle, Red-crested Malkoha, Balicassiao, Elegant Tits, manic-looking Sulphur-billed Nuthatches racing up, down and round and round the trees and several handsome White-browed Shamas.
On the upper parts of Mt Makiling, the trails became narrower and we were stopped in our tracks by Nicky who hissed, “Pechora Pipit”! Lo and behold, walking on the side of the track was a Pechora Pipit with its defining “V” mark on its back. It continued walking in the opposite direction and soon melted into the forest.
The skulking White-browed Shama by Jimmy Chew
Surely, it was a sign of good things to come…. I held my breath as Nicky played the call of the Luzon Bleeding-Heart. It was a bird we all were secretly hoping for but did not think we would ever lay our eyes on. So, when we actually heard a response, it set our pulses racing and hearts beating! The calls came closer and closer and quite suddenly a Luzon Bleeding-Heart in its full glory flew onto an exposed branch, walked a foot or two, before turning around and flying off without any sound of wing beats! It was surreal, and it must have been that I so happened to be looking at the correct spot of the forest. I was elated and strangely disappointed at the same time for all the others in our group had not seen the bird! It must have been not being able to share in the joy of such a mega-tick. It was a good thing that Nicky is never one to give up and persists until everyone in the group has seen the bird. He soon called in a second bird further up the trail. This was clearly a different bird, as this individual had a bigger and deeper coloured patch of red on its chest compared to the first bleeding-heart, which had a smaller and fainter crimson wash on its breast. It walked about on the side of the trail above us, playing hide and seek with us amongst the undergrowth, finally giving almost everyone (but one person!) views. It was almost close to a miracle that Nicky managed to spot the bird again walking some 100 -150 metres from where we last saw it and the final person in our group (who shall remain unnamed!) saw the Luzon Bleeding-heart. Success!!
Other key species seen at Mount Makiling included Lowland White-eye, Yellowish White-eye, Philippine Hawk-Cuckoo, Blue-headed Fantail, Philippine Trogon and Philippine Falconet.
Small and chunky Guaiabero. Photo by Jimmy Chew
For a complete bird list of Tan Ju Lin and party's April 2011 Tour, please click here.
This is a video of a family of Black-chinned Fruit-doves seen during one of our sorties in one of our favorite birding destinations in Luzon: Mt. Makiling.
The Black-chinned Fruit-dove is one of the 19 endemic doves / pigeons in the country. Their soft and hollow rooooooo can sometimes be heard resonating in the lowland forests of all the major islands in the Philippines. The field guide lists this bird as an uncommon; the best way to look for this endemic is to find fruiting trees in the forest where they feed regularly.
The first part of the video shows an immature while the adults can be seen in the later part. The adult male is white on the head and the neck/upper breast (seen on the right side) while the female with the greenish neck is a bit hidden on the branches on the left. You can also hear a Spotted Wood Kingfisher calling in the background.
Happy birding!
Black-chinned Fruit-doves, Ptilinopus leclancheri
May 2011, Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve, Luzon, Philippines
The Philippines is a treasure-trove for an amazing number of endemic doves and pigeons. There are 33 recorded birds belonging to this family and 19 of them are endemic. The most famous of the doves/pigeons are the Bleeding-hearts, very shy, ground-dwelling birds that have a red patch on their white breast, looking like a bleeding bird stabbed with a dagger to the chest. Then there are the fruit-doves like the stunning Flame-breasted Fruit-dove from high elevation Luzon, and this Yellow-breasted Fruit-dove from Mindanao, Southern Philippines. The more common forest doves are the Brown-doves such as this White-eared Brown-dove and the one featured in this video: the Amethyst Brown-Dove.
The Amethyst Brown-Dove is described as a locally-common dove found in the lowlands and up to montane forests. It is very similar to the White-eared Brown-Dove with both having a white "ear" below the eye but the Amethyst Brown-Dove is distinguished from its brown-dove relatives by being the largest, with a larger, more prominent bill, less conspicuous “white ear”, and a violet upper back. It has a nice soft call hooot, hooot hoot and can be found singly or in pairs often in fruiting trees from Luzon, Mindanao, and other bigger islands. Hear the call at around 0:30 into the video.
Amethyst Brown-Dove, Phapitreron amethystina
from two clips: June and August 2011, Mt. Makiling and Mt. Bulusan, Luzon, Philippines
The White-eared Brown Dove is the most common brown dove in the Philippines. The soft hoot-ho hoot-ho hoot-hoot-hoot-hoot-hoot-hoot is often heard once you enter second growth lowland and montane forests. It feeds on small fruits and berries including peppers and ranges in most Philippine islands except the Palawan island group.
White-eared Brown DovePhapitreron leucotis
September 2010, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park, Bukidnon, Mindanao