White-lored Oriole
A continuation of our Camp Sawa series...
A White-lored Oriole singing from the forests of Camp Sawa, Northern Sierra Madre, Cagayan, Luzon, Philippines. In the Philippine's field guide, this is treated as a subspecies of Philippine Oriole, Oriolus steerii but the distinct differences in plumage and calls of this bird make it a good candidate as "bank bird" or an "arm-chair tick" in the future.
It prefers to stay in the canopy of forest and forest edge and feed on a varied diet of fruits, lizards and insects. For those who have limited time and opportunity, the most accessible place to look for this beautiful endemic is in the lowland forests of Subic Bay in Bataan, Luzon.
White-lored Oriole, Oriolus albiloris
Camp Sawa, Penablanca Protected Landscape, Cagayan, Luzon, Philippines