Guided Birding and Nature Tours to the Philippines
Be sure to check them out before they leave…
Local birders - go to UP Diliman now.
Be sure to check out this uncommon migrant - an Oriental Cuckoo, feeding on caterpillars in an Acacia tree in the University of the Philippines Diliman. This individual will be probably stay in the area for a few days more - fattening up with juicy worms for its long travel back to its breeding grounds.
Oriental Cuckoo
Also check out this Grey Streaked Flycatcher:
Grey-streaked Flycatcher
And this gorgeous Blue Rock-thrush in the Marine Science Institute grounds
Blue Rock-thrush
Be on the look-out as well for nesting Coppersmith Barbets, Colasisi and Pied Trillers.
It is so nice to have a birdy site close to the city!